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Beacon - Class in edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.movable
Simulate the beacon behavior.
Beacon(Position, Port<Satellite>) - Constructor for class edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.movable.Beacon
Create a new beacon with the given position and a communicate port.
BEACON_PICTURE - Static variable in class edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.simulation.utils.GConstants
Picture filename which illustrates a beacon
BEACON_SPEED - Static variable in class edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.simulation.utils.Constants
Beacon speed.
Beacon.Memory - Class in edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.movable
Memory of the beacon.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.ubo.satellitebeacons.main.simulation.utils.Constants
Buffer size in the transfers.
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